For admission to the Canby School District from another school district, a release from the resident district must be obtained and submitted with a Request for Nonresident Student Admission Interdistrict Transfer Form in English or Spanish to the Canby School District Office.

Openings Are Limited

Existing families

  • Students living outside Canby School District currently enrolled (students who experienced a mid-year or mid-summer move within the last year)
  • Siblings of nonresident students enrolled

New Applicants

Canby School District will accept additional transfer applications, if space allows, for the following schools and grade levels:

  • Canby High School – 25 slots in grades 9-11

  • Baker Prairie Middle School – 10 slots in grades 7-8

  • Ninety-One School – 20 slots in grades K-8

  • Trost Elementary Dual Language Immersion Program – 5 slots in grades K-6

  • Carus, Eccles, Knight, and Lee – 50 slots total for elementary schools in grades K-6

Timeline & Application Process

Canby School District will be open for nonresident (living outside Canby School District) transfer applications beginning March 1, 2025, through May 15, 2025; students must register by May 31, 2025. After this window, the district will only consider requests due to a mid-year move or a hardship*.

  • Families must obtain a release from their resident district and apply for admission

  • If accepted, families agree that transportation is their responsibility

  • Transfers are contingent upon meeting behavior and attendance expectations:

    -Attendance of 92% or greater

    -No more than one suspension per academic year;

    -No suspension of, or greater than, five days;

    -No expulsions;

  • Failure to meet the above expectations may result in a revoked transfer and the student returning to their resident district.

  • Students receiving consent for admission may remain in the district until 12th grade.

*“Hardship” means any of the following:

(A) The student is impacted by a parent or guardian’s military deployment;

(B) The student is experiencing instability related to homelessness or foster care placement;

(C) The student has a documented medical condition that necessitates transfer;

(D) Death of a student’s parent;

(E) The student does not have access to safe and affordable childcare in the resident district; or

(F) The student is involved in a documented case of severe harassment, intimidation, bullying, or cyberbullying.


No students will be released from the Canby School District for the 2025-2026 school year, except those wishing to attend an online public charter school. Families may request a release due to hardship.*


  • To apply for a hardship transfer release, submit the Request for Interdistrict Transfer Out of Resident District Form in English or Spanish and a hardship explanation to the Canby School District Office for approval.

*"Hardship" means any of the following:

(A) The student is impacted by a parent or guardians military deployment;

(B) The student is experiencing instability related to homelessness or foster care placement;

(C) The student has a documented medical condition that necessitates transfer;

(D) Death of a student's parent;

(E) The student does not have access to safe and affordable childcare in the resident district; or

(F) The student is involved in a documented case of severe harassment, intimidation, bullying, or cyberbullying.


Generally, students should attend the school assigned to them based on where they live, per school board policy. However, we recognize that transfer to another school within the district may be best for the individual student in certain situations. Therefore, the district may approve parent/guardian requests for transfers to another school, depending on availability or conditions involving hardship***.

This form is for families who wish to transfer their student from their current Canby school to another due to extenuating circumstances or hardship.

Note: This does not apply to Trost students. For information on Trost attendance and transfers, please contact the school.

Timeline & Application Process

  • Canby School District is open for In-District Transfer applications from March 1, 2025 through May 15, 2025.
  • If accepted, families agree that transportation is their responsibility

  • Transfers are contingent upon meeting behavior and attendance expectations:

    -Attendance of 92% or greater;

    -No more than one suspension per academic year;

    -No suspension of, or greater than, five days;

    -No expulsions

  • Failure to meet the above expectations may result in a revoked transfer and the student returning to their neighborhood school.

*"Hardship" means any of the following:

(A) The student is impacted by a parent or guardians military deployment;

(B) The student is experiencing instability related to homelessness or foster care placement;

(C) The student has a documented medical condition that necessitates transfer;

(D) Death of a student's parent;

(E) The student does not have access to safe and affordable childcare in the resident district; or

(F) The student is involved in a documented case of severe harassment, intimidation, bullying, or cyberbullying.