For admission to the Canby School District from another school district, a release from the resident district must be obtained and submitted with a Request for Nonresident Student Admission Interdistrict Transfer Form in English or Spanish to the Canby School District Office.
Openings Are Limited
Existing families
- Students living outside Canby School District currently enrolled (students who experienced a mid-year or mid-summer move within the last year)
- Siblings of nonresident students enrolled
New Applicants
Canby School District will accept additional transfer applications, if space allows, for the following schools and grade levels:
Canby High School – 25 slots in grades 9-11
Baker Prairie Middle School – 10 slots in grades 7-8
Ninety-One School – 20 slots in grades K-8
Trost Elementary Dual Language Immersion Program – 5 slots in grades K-6
Carus, Eccles, Knight, and Lee – 50 slots total for elementary schools in grades K-6
Timeline & Application Process
Canby School District will be open for nonresident (living outside Canby School District) transfer applications beginning March 1, 2025, through May 15, 2025; students must register by May 31, 2025. After this window, the district will only consider requests due to a mid-year move or a hardship*.
Families must obtain a release from their resident district and apply for admission
If accepted, families agree that transportation is their responsibility
Transfers are contingent upon meeting behavior and attendance expectations:
-Attendance of 92% or greater
-No more than one suspension per academic year;
-No suspension of, or greater than, five days;
-No expulsions;
Failure to meet the above expectations may result in a revoked transfer and the student returning to their resident district.
Students receiving consent for admission may remain in the district until 12th grade.
*“Hardship” means any of the following:
(A) The student is impacted by a parent or guardian’s military deployment;
(B) The student is experiencing instability related to homelessness or foster care placement;
(C) The student has a documented medical condition that necessitates transfer;
(D) Death of a student’s parent;
(E) The student does not have access to safe and affordable childcare in the resident district; or
(F) The student is involved in a documented case of severe harassment, intimidation, bullying, or cyberbullying.